Tuesday, March 10, 2009

THey ArE In

Finally my mission papers are in! YAY! I have my final interview with my bishop tonight and I am so excited. I never thought I would get done with my mission papers when I started to fill them out. I think that is how they weed out people, if you are smart enough to fill out the papers then they will let you go. HAHA, no seriously the paperwork is so intense. I had to send in a lot of medical stuff so they can check me out. I am so willing so serve and I hope that they will approve me to go, if not there are lots of ways to serve here at home. I still am planning on doing it, now we just have to see if it is in the Lord's plans too! This is really random but I thought it was so cute, one of my kindergarteners yesterday got the most matches when we played Go Fish, she was so excited, I told her "Cool beans man!", she looked and me and said," What cool beans?" I told her it meant it was neat or cool something awesome. She said, "Oh okay.", and marched back down to her class. Her teacher just told me in the faculty room that this morning they were doing their calendar, her teacher told her that today they would be going to a sing along reading assembly. This little girl jumped up very enthusiastically and shouted, "COOL BEANS MAN!" It gave me the giggles, I guess that is why I love my job, you never know what will come out of the mouth of babes!

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